
Author: design

Famous Fences From Fiction!

Check out the chart below to get up to speed on the most famous fences and where in fiction you can spot them! WOW –

3 Tips For A Longer Lasting Fence

At Pecos Fence, we often get asked, “How long will a cedar fence last?” You’ll be happy to know that in Texas, a properly maintained

Wood Fence in the Atomic Age

If you’ve ever wondered how best to protect your wood fence in the event of an extremely local atomic bomb detonation, you’ve come to the

Cedar, A Great Fence Material

Folks have been utilizing Cedar for thousands of years., all over the world. Cedar has many varieties and so, it has many uses. An extremely

Santa Don’t Forget My New Fence

Christmas is a time for giving…and getting. Sometimes, my family and I decide to buy something for the “house” instead of all those individual gifts.